A First-Timer's Guide To Hauling Your Classic Car Cross-Country

Posted on: 16 September 2015

Your classic car is more than just a vehicle to get from point A to point B. It is your pride and joy and you want to ensure it stays safe and retains its value — no matter the situation. If you're a proud classic car owner who is also planning a cross-country move, you might be nervous about getting your investment from ocean-to-ocean in the safest way possible. From making sure it is ready for transport to getting it to your new home safely, here are a few tips to help you transport your classic car cross-country: [Read More]

Tips For Creating A Home Away From Home In Your First Semi Truck

Posted on: 10 September 2015

Spending a lot of time in the cab of an 18-wheeler can make you long for home. Since the cab of your truck, particularly for over-the-road drivers, serves as both office and sleeping space, it's important that it is comfortable. If you're in the market for a used semi-truck to start your career as an owner-operator, one of the first things you'll want to do with that truck is to make it feel like your space. [Read More]